Wat is SETH? | What is SETH?

Wat is SETH? | What is SETH?

SETH is ‘n akroniem vir “Science, Engineering, Technology and Health”. Die SETH-Akademie is ‘n unieke, buitemuurse program wat Ferdies in samewerking met die NWU (Noordwes Universiteit) aanbied vir graad 8-12 leerders. Die program fokus daarop om lewensvaardighede (soos tydsbestuur, spanwerk, probleemoplossing, uithouvermoë en vele meer) by leerders te ontwikkel deur hulle terselfdertyd bloot te stel aan ‘n reeks beroepsmoontlikhede in die SETH-velde. Die SETH-Akademie is gestig in 2012 en gaan tans van krag tot krag met die hulp van al ons industrievennote, wat elkeen ondersteuning bied sodat ons ‘n blink toekoms kan bou vir ons jeug. Hulle is immers die toekoms van ons dorp, ons provinsie en ons land.

​SETH is an acronym for Science, Engineering, Technology and Health. The SETH-Academy is a unique, extramural programme presented by Ferdies in collaboration with the NWU (North West University) for grade 8-12 learners. The programme focuses on the development of soft skills (for example time management, teamwork, problem-solving, endurance and much more) while simutaneously giving them exposure to different career possibilities within the SETH-related fields. The SETH-Academy was founded in 2012 and continues to go from strength to strength with the assistance of all our industry partners, joining us in building a brighter future for our youth. After all, they are the future of our town, our province, and our country.

Wil jy graag meer hieroor uitvind? | Would you like to learn more?

Jy is welkom om ons skoolkantoor te skakel by 018 290 5539, en vra om met Dr. Nadia Botma te praat.

​You are most welcome to phone our school offices at 018 290 5539 and ask to speak to Dr. Nadia Botma.